Why does VmmemWSA consume so much memory?

The memory consum by VmmemWSA will Why does VmmemWSA depend on the Android applications you are using. If you are using resource-intensive applications such as games or have multiple Android applications open at the same time, the memory consumption of this process will be high, as it indicates that the memory is being us by the entire virtual environment for WSA, rather than by individual Android applications.

In these cases, it is easy to manage the memory us by VmmemWSA. But many users have notic that VmmemWSA takes up memory even when it should not.

How to manage memory consum by VmmemWSA

Here’s how you can manage and stop excessive Why does VmmemWSA VmmemWSA memory usage in Windows 11.

1. Close all unnecessary Android applications.
The easiest way to deal with high VmmemWSA senegal telegram data memory consumption on your system is to close all Android applications that you are not currently using. This will free up the memory that the applications were using, which is completely normal behavior.

2. Change the way WSA consumes resources.

WSA can be configur to use your Windows 11 system resources either constantly or as ne. If WSA is configur to use resources constantly, it will not shut down even if no Android applications are running. Changing this behavior will free up the upper maximizing sales at key moments memory that VmmemWSA is using.

Open the WSA app on your Windows 11 PC from the Start menu or using Windows search.

Then go to “Advanc Settings” in the left menu

Expand the Memory & Performance option and select the As ne radio button.

When WSA is set to consume resources as aero leads ne, memory usage will still not drop immiately after closing all Android apps. Since booting Why does VmmemWSA Android is a relatively expensive task, WSA does not turn off immiately, but after a few minutes of inactivity.

On your desktop because they are too small, you can change the icon to large or if your desktop is clutter with too many icons, you can change the icon size to small to keep your desktop clean and organiz.

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