The product page is the cornerstone

In reality, the number of keywords in a text can be as many as its content allows. Consequently, there are posts with only one keyword , with five or with sixty. When determining how many keywords an article should have, you cannot lose sight of the humanity of the text.


Writing posts designed The product page is


Exclusively to please Google is a huge mistake that you should avoid at all costs. The golden rule for knowing how many keywords a post can contain is that they provide relevance and are organically integrated into it. What, how, when finland phone number data and where to place keywords in a post is one of the most discussed issues in SEO.

Let’s shed some light on the matter


Share on X How to use keywords in an article How many times should a keyword appear in the text? This issue is resolved by keyword improve email campaign deliverability rates The product page is density , which indicates the proportion between these and the total number of words in the blog article.


The first thing you need


To be clear about when we talk about how to put keywords in a post is that repeating them ad nauseum is a terrible idea. Certainly, in the antipodes of . Google, the use and abuse of keywords served to position, but today it constitutes a bad practice that is sanctioned by the search engine.

Thus, the high density of a keyword (whether visible or hidden) is known as keyword stuffing and constitutes a black hat SEO china phone numbers technique . Ideally, keywords in a text should not exceed a density of 1%. That is, if the post has a total of 1,000 words, each keyword should not appear more than 10 times.

However the final result


Can NEVER undermine the The product page is naturalness of the content. Where to place keywords in a text? Beyond the number of times keywords appear in an article, the place where they are found is of particular interest.

Not in vain search engine


Spiders value keywords in strategic places. Make sure to put the main keyword in the “hot spots” of the text! The H1 title. It can also be useful to put it in some H2 and H3, as long as it doesn’t seem shoehorned in (Have you noticed that the main keyword of . This post is “how to put keywords”?). The beginning and the end of the post. of your online sales, as long as you know how to position it.

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