How to set up Google Tag Manager

In this section, we’ll walk you through how to create an account, add tags to your website, and configure them to track specific events.

Create an account

An account is essentially the main and highest organizational level in GTM. 

Go to and click “create account.” You can choose your business name as your account name, for example.

After creating an account, you will be given a unique container ID that you can use to connect your website to GTM. 

At this point you can start adding individual tags to it.

Tag containers

Containers are “boxes” into which tags are stored. 

This is the main organizational unit in Google Tag Manager, which is used to group related tags. 

One container can contain multiple home owner database tags, and each of them can be configured to run only when certain conditions are met.

In this step, you also decide where you want to use the container (websites, mobile applications, etc.)

To install a container on your website, you need to obtain the appropriate piece of code, which will be automatically displayed to you immediately after creating a new container. 

The code consists of two parts, the first part is inserted directly into the <head> and the second part at the beginning of the <body> exactly according to the instructions you receive immediately when the code is generated.

For more detailed instructions, please see here: Tag Manager Help

Adding tags to containers in GTM

To add a tag to a container, you must use the Google Tag Manager interface.

However, if you already have some augmented digital: is getting stronger! measurement tags on your website and are switching to GTM, it is important to remove these original codes from your website to avoid duplication of data measurement.

To add a new tag to your website, go to the tag overview and click “New”.

In the “Tag Configuration” section, select “Conversion Linker” (this will allow conversions to be measured correctly across different web browsers).

Select “All pages” as the tag firing rule and save the tag.

Then just check if the tags are firing correctly using the “Preview” button and click “Submit”.

Tag configuration

Using the GTM interface, you can easily set rules and variables for individual tags.

Variables allow you to store data that you know you will need at some point in the future.

For example, you don’t have to write cameroon lists the Ads ID (e.g. 123456789) separately for each new tag that is supposed to send data to Google Ads. Instead, you create a variable to store this unique ID in and name it, for example, G-Ads ID. 

Trigger rules then serve to define when the tag should be triggered. 

GTM distinguishes between a number of different events, such as page views, clicks, custom events, page scrolling, etc.

Troubleshooting Google Tag Manager

Troubleshooting is an inevitable part of implementing any new tool, and Google Tag Manager is no different. 

Most common problems

Incorrect tag implementation: This can be caused by poorly configured triggers or incorrect custom variable settings.

  • Incorrect or outdated tags: The tags you are using must be up-to-date and correct. It is important to regularly check the GTM interface and make sure that the tags are indeed configured correctly. 
  • Unpublished changes: Check that you have published the container with the changed tags. Publishing the container can take some time, so make sure Tag Manager has completed this process before testing. Try refreshing the page or clearing your browser cache.

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