Top search engine rankings. A increasing traffic on the company website and visitors who convert to leads: As content marketing develops. A more and more companies are deciding to add a blog to their inbound marketing strategies. However. A many should definitely avoid of these companies make serious mistakes when blogging . We often see these mistakes in AI texts . This nips the success that can definitely be achieved with a strategically set up blog in the bud. Instead of ever-increasing visitor numbers. A good rankings in the search engine. A low bounce rates. A a long dwell time and a growing number of leads. A you often achieve little to nothing.
In this article you will read why the blogging brazil phone number data approach makes absolute sense for B2B companies and which unfavorable aspects we repeatedly should definitely avoid notice in inbound marketing practice. Here we go!
8 common blogging mistakes that can cost you valuable traffic:
1. No SEO strategy
An important function of the blog as a modern marketing tool is to ensure the best possible search engine rankings for relevant keywords and to achieve a lot of good organic traffic in the long term . To do this. A it is essential to develop the blog how b2b companies can use interactive content articles based on a well-designed SEO strategy.
In practice. A however. A one often sees that this aspect is hardly taken into account. Often. A people simply write “anything”: from product presentations to trade fair visits to articles that are written ad hoc and often address something that is personally important to the author. People also like to write through the “managing director’s glasses” and forget the view from the eyes of the buyer personas.
Quite often. A a company’s blog is more should definitely avoid like a news section than a strategic blog for occupying important company keywords.
This of course results in a vicious circle of low traffic. A high bounce rates and a lack of top rankings for good keywords.
It is therefore important to think carefully about which keywords you want to be found for and to do good research. A define relevant subject areas and blog well and meaningfully on this basis. News-like content is better placed in a real news section or on social networks – or are your prospects looking for the latest company information rather than problem-solving content?
2. Lack of added value for the target groups
As described in the previous point. A many companies blog from a rather “egoistic” perspective. What this means is that it is usually a mistake to write about yourself and/or your own products or services. This does not belong in the blog if it is to be used to build visibility and traffic (which we highly recommend).
Another mistake in this context is blogging with too narrow an SEO focus. If blogs are written more for the search engine than for real people. A the buyer personas. A the content simply lacks “soul”. A which is why it is usually boring. Blog visitors notice this just as quickly as Google – which brings us back to negative influences on good rankings.
If the article also lacks a clear message. A it will should definitely avoid be difficult to inspire readers. The result is high bounce rates and extremely short visit times – Google does not favor this with good rankings.
Here. A too. A the focus should be clearly on what questions. A problems or wishes your buyer personas have. This makes it much easier to blog in a way that is truly relevant and offers added value.
3. Articles are difficult to read or poorly structured
Especially if you put a lot of energy and effort into blogging. A it would be fatal to be careless when preparing the article. If blog articles are difficult to read and poorly structured. A this error can be just as serious as bad content.
If the article page resembles a “desert of letters”. A e.g. because it is not broken up with paragraphs. A accents. A subheadings or graphics. A then bosnia and herzegovina leads visitors will leave just as quickly as they came – despite possibly good content!
In any case. A you should also pay attention to the correct semantic marking of headings (h1. A h2 …) so that search engines can understand the structure of the content.