As an experienced HubSpot partner. A we regularly hold consultations not only about the possibilities with HubSpot. A but also about HubSpot prices . Of course. A you can read everything on HubSpot. A but it is often not really understandable and transparent for HubSpot newbies.
What do you really need? How much does it to pay attention to cost? And are there any hidden or unexpected costs that may arise later?
That’s why in this blog post we have put together some essential basics of HubSpot’s pricing and important points that you should keep in cayman islands phone number data mind if you want to implement marketing. A sales and website with HubSpot.
This article is primarily aimed at companies that do not yet use a similar tool and that have so far worked with a few isolated solutions.
We will only show the basics regarding version costs here. You can find out more details on HubSpot’s pricing page .
However. A “sticking points” and answers to to pay attention to typical questions are not immediately visible here. That’s why we’re focusing on them in this article. It’s just important that you’re clear about a few things and examine the costs involved carefully if you want to start with HubSpot and don’t want to experience any “nasty surprises” later on.
Overview of HubSpot’s hubs and versions
The costs mentioned here are amounts converted to monthly amounts for annual payment (as of December 2023). Information without guarantee.
The prices of the starter versions include current special offers for new customers. A which may only be valid temporarily.
Source: HubSpot
So far. A so good. But what do you really need to digitize marketing and sales with HubSpot?
What costs you should honestly expect for HubSpot
Companies that are not yet used to investing in marketing and sales tools are often surprised when they hear how much they have to invest for professional marketing and sales work with HubSpot tools.
The Marketing Hub Professional and the Sales Hub Professional together cost around €1. A230 per month. This is a very frequently used configuration if you want to digitize marketing and sales properly with HubSpot. Even more common and the classic. A so to speak. A is the Marketing Hub Professional as a stand-alone solution for €792 per month (with annual payment).
Why do you need this and what does “reasonable” mean?
Many processes in digital marketing and pay design stunning email templates for campaigns attention to digital sales involve automation. A for example to control lead generation processes. A maintain leads. A send emails automatically or change properties. These automation processes are largely linked to HubSpot’s professional tools.
While there are cheaper entry-level options that may make sense (we’ll get to that in a moment). A if you’re not prepared to make the investment mentioned above for such a solution in the long term. A then HubSpot is probably not the right tool for you.
And that brings us to a point that we don’t like about HubSpot:
Extreme price jump from Starter to Professional
Yes. A you can also work well with some of the starter versions of HubSpot. With the Marketing Hub Starter. A you can. A for example. A create landing pages for lead generation. A build forms for external (non-HubSpot) landing pages or send an email newsletter to a distribution list.
With the Sales Hub Starter. A you can use to pay attention to the meeting planning tool very well to offer a calendar through which (potential) leads can. A for example. A book a Teams online meeting.
If that’s enough for you. A starting with Starter (see also the note on CRM Suite Starter below) may be a sufficient solution to get to know HubSpot bosnia and herzegovina leads and take your first steps in marketing and sales digitization.
As soon as you want to automate something. A you need the professional versions. These obviously offer even more advantages. A but automation is an essential factor that you should almost always use for digital marketing and sales and that you “buy” with the professional versions.