Defined and when the two phases change is also interpreted differently. Some say that an MQL was qualified by marketing and then passed on to sales. Others say that an and SQLs are is qualified to be used by marketing and is only routed to sales when the lifecycle phase is changed to SQL. This can quickly lead to unproductive discussions and confusion.
For this reason, we simply leave out the word Qualified , as in our experience it does not help and often leads to the problems mentioned above.
How to simplify the lifecycle phases in HubSpot
Our proven best practice is therefore the bolivia phone number data following division of lifecycle phases in HubSpot. In particular, the distinction between and SQLs are marketing and sales is simple and clearly understandable:
It’s super simple and easy to understand:
A lead is, so to speak, the lowest evolutionary level. These are contacts that were created manually because, for example, you see potential, received a business card at a trade fair or had a dialogue on LinkedIn. These can also be leads that were already at a higher level but have, for example, unsubscribed from all emails.
In our view, a marketing lead is someone only a specialized copywriter can who (if you work properly according to GDPR) has definitely completed a double opt-in and and SQLs are has active marketing consent (has not unsubscribed). Such a contact is addressed with marketing – usually marketing emails in the form of automated processes. Scoring factors or other aspects or characteristics can also have an influence on lead nurturing (i.e. nurturing leads with emails).
Sales leads are processed by
The sales team in a 1:1 dialogue, meaning that direct contact is always present or initiated. Sales leads can, provided they have active marketing consent, still be addressed with marketing activities if this makes sense.
Opportunities are all contacts for whom bosnia and herzegovina leads and SQLs are there is a concrete, (at least approximately) quantifiable deal (= sales opportunity) and who usually receive an offer.
Customers are or become all those with whom sales are generated (logically )
The category Other includes everything that is not naturally eligible to become a customer (employees, applicants, partners, etc.). What exactly this is can be defined in a separate property.