Connect your loyalty programs


Merchants will be able loyalty programs to connect dominican republic phone number library loyalty programs directly to their Facebook account. Shoppers will be able to see and keep track of points and rewards directly in the native apps they use.

Facebook Shops will use a large

suite of tools to communicate effectively with customers. This will help merchants set up a full online shopping experience:

Built AI systems – AI systems will be able to identify and tag products in photos so merchants don’t have to. Retailers will be able to link from their main feeds without having to tag anything.

Personalization in shops  Personalization

will provide a level of service that enhances the shopping experience. For example, Facebook Shops could try opening roblox and see if it works properly recognize the shopper is only interested in men’s clothes from previous activity ao lists online. Then it may only show that user men’s clothing because that is what the user wants to see.

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