Why B2B brands should use the Kano model

The Kano model can be used to identify the connection between certain product/service characteristics and customer satisfaction. B2B brands should This makes it clear which characteristics influence the (dis)satisfaction of your target group. You may discover features that still need improvement and that you were not previously aware of. This way, you can ensure that you do not miss the requirements of your B2B customers.

Areas of your B2B company that you can examine in more detail using Kano include your website, your product, sales or newsletter. It would also be conceivable to survey employees to find out how satisfied they are.

Applications as a B2B company

The focus in B2B marketing should be on whatsapp data the basic, performance and excitement features. First, all the features that need to be delivered should be identified. The next step is to highlight the performance features. The better these are delivered, the happier your target group will be. Any remaining resources should then be focused on the excitement features. Find out how you can inspire your customers with your B2B brand.

Let’s say you are a manufacturer of laboratory equipment with your own website. You want to check this website using . B2B brands should the Kano model to find out what your users are satisfied with. Suppose you asked the following question: “How satisfied would you be if there was a tool that suggested the right device for you after you card machine: use your cell phone to sell more in physical stores entered the laboratory tests you need to perform?” 92% of respondents answered that they would be very happy about it. In this case, you know that this tool would be a clear delight feature that your target group would like.

The Kano model can also be applied to your B2B product itself. For example, if you are a lab equipment manufacturer, you ask, “How satisfied would you be if you could set different sounds on the device after the test was completed?” 98% now ukraine business directory answer that they don’t care. So now you know that this is an irrelevant feature. Advertising this feature is unlikely to be effective due to this irrelevance.

The Kano Model as a Useful Marketing Tool

The Kano model helps you to understand the wishes and demands of your B2B customers. You can use this knowledge for effective marketing planning. Basic characteristics are assumed and are therefore unsuitable for marketing. Who wants to receive advertising for . B2B brands should bsomething that is taken for granted?

Performance features are more effective: the higher the performance you provide, the more satisfied (potential) customers are. Excitement features set you apart from your B2B competitors and are the most effective marketing tools. They show what is special about you.

This becomes clear in our example as a laboratory equipment manufacturer. You want to sell a device that analyzes blood cells – in this case, this is a basic feature. Your laboratory customer takes it for granted. One performance feature is the test throughput per hour. The more tests the device can handle, the more powerful it is. This saves laboratory employees time and effort. Performance features can be used as a marketing measure. Convenience functions, for example if your laboratory device can carry out maintenance as independently as possible, arouse enthusiasm. Your device stands out from competing devices that require manual checking. Such features are best suited to marketing and advertising measures.



The Kano model makes a significant contribution to understanding user requirements and thus to improving B2B companies. To evaluate the individual factors according to the Kano model . B2B brands should the initial effort must first be taken into account. This means answering and analyzing the questionnaire. However, it can provide valuable information about what customers want from your own B2B brand, which can then generate real enthusiasm (features).

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