10 things that annoy your visitors on your B2B Mistakes made in website and that make them leave.
There are many mistakes you can make on your website that can be the reason why your bounce rate is higher than you want.
To ensure that visitors, prospects, customers and employees enjoy visiting and staying on your B2B website, you should consider a few things when creating and maintaining the content of your company website.
We have summarized for you which mistakes you should no longer make in 2022:
Aggressive notices, pop-ups
Too many pop-ups, whether they be cookies, newsletters email data or a notice about a competition, are a reason why visitors leave your . Mistakes made in B2B website faster than you would like. Reduce the number of notices so that visitors are not distracted from their actual goal.
Low-contrast colors
Avoid low-contrast colors. They are the reason why your visitors cannot read and understand content properly or may not notice a contact button. Use strong, high-contrast colors that can be easily seen even on an incorrectly adjusted monitor.
Poor readability
Have you used a cursive or flourish font in your understand how pix works and how to use it to sell more logo or on other media? Then you should definitely not use this font on your B2B website. Instead, use simple fonts that everyone can read. Fonts with clear corners and edges. You don’t have to do without serif fonts, but you should only use them with caution, e.g. for large headlines.
Different design
Do your subpages all look different? Make sure that your website is adapted to your corporate design. If your subpages are different from the others . Mistakes made in visitors will not know whether they are still on the same website.
Overly cluttered website
It may well be the case that you want to offer your visitors as much content as possible. However, you should make sure that you leave a certain amount ukraine business directory of white space between text sections and between text and images or graphic elements. This gives you room to breathe and your readers are not overwhelmed by a mass of text and images.
You want to get as much information as possible from visitors to forms, so you have provided a large number of input fields. Unfortunately, long, confusing forms are another reason why . Mistakes made in visitors leave the website. Try to divide the form into individual areas or even display it step by step. Visitors are not interested in filling out a flood of input fields at once.