The Short is intend to become a conversational format. Around 10% of subscribers already dare to send messages via WhatsApp according to Magali Philip. These are mostly reactions or encouragements. But our ambition is to create a discussion on current events between subscribers and a trust person. For the moment. A Davy does not yet make a call for messages. A because we do not yet have the human and technical means to manage them.
Regarding subscribers
RTS has manag to reach the cell phone database under-35s with this format. The but also half of the 40-45 year-olds. For the co-producer. The “it’s a niche product. The but more general than expect.” And if teenagers are not reach by the format, the traditional morning audience of RTS is still about twenty years younger. Good news for the revival of audio formats… and for public service according to Marie Rumignani.
RTS has succe in establishing
new interest, a new capacity what is an unqualified lead? for dialogue with its public, which expects the Swiss public service to modernise. The Short, user guide. / Image. RTS captureWhy it is important to involve readers in the itorial process By Maxime Loisel, Founder of HyperNews and project manager at Datagif. Article reprint with the author’s permission. The original article was publish on Hypernews on October 17, 2020.
It is well known that
gap between journalists and citizens malaysia numbers list is growing year by year. Of course, the coronavirus crisis has been accompani by rather positive signals (peaks in audience and press subscriptions, renew attention to rituals such as the news) but readers’ perception does not seem to have fundamentally chang. Multiple studies continue to point to the highly critical , yet ambivalent , attitude of citizens toward news mia around the world.
Without caricaturing, a large part of the population considers that journalists are an elitist caste disconnect from reality, in the same way as political personnel. These criticisms are far from new. Although the reality is much more complex , these preconceiv ideas reflect a certain distance and a lack of understanding on the part of the general public with regard to journalistic work.