What is SEM?

Any company that intends to use the internet to sell products and services needs to know what SEM is .

In short, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Engine Marketing, as it is known here in Brazil, is a pillar of digital marketing that aims to highlight a given company’s content in the results of important search engines, such as Google.

To better understand what SEM is and its importance in the marketing strategies of a product or service, let’s talk a little about user behavior.

If someone has a question, or is searching for a solution to their problem, what is the most common action? Pick up your cell phone, notebook or desktop, access Google and search, right? Yes!

Once this is done, a list of results will appear on the screen, including organic content and ads. And it is in this list known as Search Engine Result Page (SERP) that your company needs to be in order to attract consumers and conversions.

For this to happen, you must use SEM strategies correctly!

What are SEM strategies?

Basically, Search Engine telegram number list has two arms: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and sponsored links.

SEO refers to organic results, i.e., those that use keywords and optimized content to gain top positions in the SERP. In other words, these are the terms that users use to search the internet.

Some people think that SEO is to the use of keywords, but this strategy is much broader than you might think. Let us prove it to you!

Sponsored links are ads, with and without images, that appear at the top and sides of the Google results page. Unlike SEO, which is for free, these require investment to and a series of formatting that we will explain later.

SEO: learn more about the organic results technique

Have you ever wondered how links some where here in search results? The answer is simple: they are content that uses Search Engine Optimization (SEO) correctly, a set of optimization strategies to organize and increase the relevance of content on website and blog pages.

Google’s robots sift through all the content published on the internet and select the most appropriate ones to compose the list of results. Based on the user’s search, the platform creates a SERP with content capable of offering the most complete answers.

The more the content is with SEO techniques. The better it will in search results. Since we know that users are in a hurry to get answers, the chance of clicking only on the first results is very high. Therefore, the fight for the top positions offers in exchange a high number of hits and, consequently, sales.

Therefore, to make the content aligned with Google’s requirements, it is necessary to understand SEO techniques and use them correctly, whether in the page’s HTML, in the production of content and in the relationship with other websites and blogs.

SEO goes hand in hand with Content Marketing, a very important online strategy that aims to offer quality information to users and prepare them for purchasing. These materials can be blog posts with strategic keywords for the company, website pages with optimized content, social media texts, among others.

READ MORE: SEO Techniques: 7 Mistakes You Need to Avoid

In short, SEO has a number of advantages:

READ ALSO: Google’s organic search can help your business take off

Sponsored links: highlight your ads to sell more!

Unlike SEO, which displays content organically, sponsored links depend on investment to occupy prominent spaces on Google’s SERP.

In addition to creating strategic texts b2b phone list keywords. Sponsored links need to correctly so that the ads appear at the right time in the search and avoid wasting money.

There is, indeed, the premise that the higher the amount. The more times the ad can and the greater the chances of conversion. After all, for the link to gain space in the results, attractive bids and quality of the content presented are necessary.

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