Professional project management solution

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Comparing Agile model and Waterfall model

Overview of the Waterfall model

 Professional project management .The Waterfall model is a traditional software development method, widely used in information technology projects. This model follows a line development process, in which each phase of the project must be completed before moving on to the next phase.

The main stages in the Waterfall model include: Requirements  peculiarities of work in the field of pr Design – Implementation – Testing – Deployment – Maintenance.

Comparing Agile model and Waterfall model


Agile Model Waterfall Model
Form – Break the project into small parts, the implementation and improvement process is combined into a loop – Flow, according to the process and closely linked order
Flexibility – Allows customers to change requirements or add specs at any time during development – Changes to specs and other specification requirements must be made before development begins.
Project completion time – Provide service at each iteration so it will be fast – Only allow service provision after all processes have been completed, so it will take more time
Documentation Requirements – No documentation required – Documentation is required
Test time – Conduct checks after each step of project implementation – Only check in Testing step
Person in charge – Each engineer will do his own development work without having to have a specific area of ​​expertise – It is mandatory to have one person in charge of each process.
Interactivity – Tester and developer work together. Requires b2b reviews close communication with developers and joint analysis of requirements and planning – Tester works separately from developer. Developer is not involved in planning and requirements. There is usually a time lag between testing and coding
Applicable project types – With small projects it can be done very quickly. However with large projects it is difficult to estimate development time. – All types of projects can be estimated and completed
Improved efficiency – Can be improved after each iteration – Improvements can only be realized after the project is completed, so improvements can only be implemented in subsequent projects.

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