Bas. on what was determin. in the previous step, it is now Discover how to perform necessary to define where the data will be extract. from, that is, what the sources will be to obtain it.
It is possible, for example, to perform an analysis of the phone number database CRM us. in your company and extract the data generat. to use it as a basis for decision-making.
You may be interest. in reading: CRM strategy from scratch: step by step to sell more .
3. Data cleansing Discover how to perform
Once the origin has been defin., which must be align. with the objective, it is time to clean the data.
It consists of selecting only the data that corresponds to the desir. purpose and eliminating those that do not have the potential to achieve it.
Remember that all of this will be done with the help of technology, since data mining seeks to analyze large amounts of data and cannot be done only through human interaction.
4. Application of data mining techniques
This phase involves pplying data mining techniques, which are methodologies bas. on algorithms. They are us. to identify patterns, reveal correlations and perform other types of analysis.
The association rule, the artificial neural network technique, the decision tree technique, etc. can be appli..
5. Evaluation of the results obtain. Data selection
At this stage, data has already been transform. into information. By analyzing what was obtain. through data mining. You time management methods to help run projects smoothly can develop strategic. Plans to increase customer satisfaction and thus contribute to the growth of the company.
Have you ask. for customer fe.back but don’t know. What to do with the responses you got? Read: How to Analyze Survey Data in 8 Steps .
6. Use of information
After evaluating what was america email extract. in the data mining process, the last phase is to use the generat., transform it into actions and, thus, solve problems and/or improve processes.
In this sense, it is important to always keep the focus on the main objective that was defin. in the first stage, since the data mining carri. out was bas. precisely on that definition.