The Path to Franchising

Our main driving force was the parents who really wanted me to continue working with their children and open a children’s center. We picked up on this idea, and soon we had a children’s center with more than 20 areas: chess, English, football, drawing, preparation for school and much more. It soon became impossible to accommodate everyone who wanted to, and we opened a second center.

The natural development of the children’s center, which parents insisted on, was the opening of a full-fledged kindergarten.

It took us two years to develop and test

The Russian and English programs, gain management and legal experience. In the end, we realized that we were ready to move on. We opened two more kindergartens.

In 2018, a mother who had been taking her daughter to us for four years came to me and said that she also wanted to open her own kindergarten. She asked: why don’t we share our experience, don’t develop a partnership. I thought that this is a really great idea! I had something to share, and Kosmo Kids became a franchise.

A private kindergarten is a business that imposes high social responsibility on the owner. However, it is also extremely sincere, useful and gives a huge return.

Full support

The biggest challenge anyone can

face when starting  a america phone number list business is the lack of support. This is especially hard on women with children, who already have The Path a hard time deciding to start their own business. I am lucky in this regard: my husband fully supports me, and has been developing Kosmo Kids with me from the very beginning.

Our three children attend our kindergartens, so I don’t feel like I’m leaving them for work. At the same time, we always spend evenings together. I think that’s very important.

Financial issue

The creation and opening of a kindergarten, of course, requires investment. In Moscow, this is at least 5,000,00 0 The Path time management methods to help run projects smoothly rubles to open a kindergarten and agb directory another 3,000,000 to open a children’s center. Key costs: rent, repairs, equipment, preparation of didactic materials, toys and reaching the break-even point. One must not forget about the salaries of employees and advertising.


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