Step number one was to create

My relatives were divided into two camps: for and against. The first said: “This is super-duper soap, don’t stop.” The second were very skeptical that it was possible to earn good money on this: “Don’t waste your time, find yourself a normal job.” I felt like the critics were waiting for my failure. The main thing is that my husband supported me.

Product promotion

Promotion was not the hardest part. pages on social networks. That’s how the VKontakte group and Instagram account appeared. The first name for my small business was “Agnia Soap Shop”. Why Agnia? Because in Greek the name Agnia means innocence and purity. It seemed symbolic to me for the brand. If you read it backwards, you get “I am Inga”. A little brainstorming and the name was ready.

Step number two is to spread

The word about your new whatsapp number list activity. All methods were used: mutual advertising on social networks, participation in so-called giveaways, advertising with bloggers, targeted advertising, working with hashtags. As I found out later, giveaways are not only useless, but also harmful for promotion.

At the very beginning of my acquaintance with Instagram, I did not know about mass liking chats and the existence Step number of groups for mutual comments under posts, as well as the fact that an audience can be boosted. I came across boosted accounts with dead statistics, but with a beautiful cover. Naturally, there was no arrival of the target audience from the bad bloggers.

Good growth was provided by

Rffles of own monthly recurring revenue (mrr) Step number products and targeted advertising. I figured out the settings agb directory of targeted advertising on my own. Since then, there has been a high-quality and rapid growth of the audience. Clients appeared both in Russia and abroad. I have regular clients, you could even say fans or soap maniacs!


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