I dropped everything and went

Until 2014, I liv in Kaliningrad, work in the banking sector, develop in the modeling business, was photograph for magazine covers, and even appear in Cosmopolitan. I was a participant in the TV show on Muz-TV “Top Model in Russian”.

In 2014, to be with my belov man

Since he is a serviceman, we had to move from a big city to the working settlement of Ozinki in the Saratov region (border with Kazakhstan, population 9,000). I grew up in a military family and accept the fact that I had to go to the wilderness with my belov. However, I did not expect it to last so long.

I work as an economist for the local administration. I admit, it was morally difficult. Two higher ucation diplomas could not improve the situation.

I have many hobbies and creative interests: I love photography, I continue to take part in advertising and creative shoots, I adore embroidery. Further we will talk about only one hobby, which today has become the main source of income.

How the idea came about

One day I saw an special database expensive bar of herbal soap on the Internet and was so outrag by the price that I immiately start looking dropped everything for information about the soap-making procure. The process itself seem magical, exciting and definitely not boring. It was not about “melt the base, paint and pour into the mold.” It was about full-flg alkaline hydrolysis of oils. That same evening, the idea of ​​making soap at home was voic to my husband. In just a couple of days, we made a plan for the initial purchase.

The start-up capital was 20,000 rubles, and this amount

Was enough to purchase return on investment (roi) packaging and components for soap: alkali, vegetable and essential agb directory oils, clay, etc. The goal was to cook several types of natural soap without any synthetic dyes and flavors, but only essential oils dropped everything and natural components. The result exce all expectations. The soap gave an incribly fluffy foam and a bright aroma. The issue of choosing gifts for the holidays was resolv. Our relatives, friends and acquaintances highly appreciat the product.


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