The above are examples made in broad terms! each robots.txt can be created according to the needs. It is right to underline in fact that not all the pages of a site ! for various reasons! must necessarily be indexed . There are limits that can be set on particular folders and directories and on specific spiders! which are absolutely not errors! but rules! reasoned and set with full knowledge of the facts.
For this reason I recommend you carefully read this official guide on robots.txt .
Manual source code Indexing your site check – noindex tag
Another check to do! on sample pages job function email list (such as the home page) or on those that you think have problems! is to verify that the meta name=”robots” content=”noindex” is not set. To do this! you should view the source code of the page by typing the keyboard command CTRL U + CTRL F and search for the word noindex.
If you want the page to be reachable by the spider you must remove this indication.
Sitemap.xml creation
The sitemap.xml is an element that every site should have. It is in fact a sitemap in .xml format that allows Google to know its structure and its URLs. The sitemap.xml also becomes indispensable to “help” Google to index your site! especially salt will offer satellite messages by the end of 2024 when it comes to projects with complex navigation paths.
If you use CMS like WordPress! the SEO by Yoast plugin natively has a section dedicated to creating the sitemap. Otherwise you can use .xml map creation tools .
Open Google Search Console and submit Sitemap
Google ! and also Bing ! provide webmasters with tools that are really useful for keeping track of the entire indexing status of a site .
Google Search Console is a fundamental cell phone number tool for those who have a website! because it provides information on the health of our web project.
Through Google Search Console it is Indexing your site possible to submit the sitemap.xml to the search engine and “notify” Google of the presence of our site.
Just go to Sitemap > add/test sitemap > enter the path/URL and submit it .
Once we submit the sitemap.xml! Search Console will tell us which of our pages have been submitted and indexed.