In the Capterra survey, 56% of respondents admitt to making such use. The main activities perform by them are list below in the chart. The personal tasks perform by workers on the corporate computer The use of corporate equipment for personal purposes does not seem to be leading to another situation: micromanagement. In this style of Mobile List management, leaders closely monitor the work of employees, but according to most Capterra respondents (38%), they believe they are being manag correctly – only 15% consider that they are extremely micromanag. Still, 24% said they could have more autonomy to carry out their day-to-day tasks. Most workers were inform about monitoring Brazilian legislation does not have rules that allow or prohibit the monitoring of employees.
Honor and image of people
There are judicial decisions in labor courts, with similar cases, that help guide the issue. Two examples illustrate the situation. In 2020, surveillance using monitoring cameras within a company’s premises was consider lawful , as monitoring did not commit excesses, such as invading the privacy of employees. In the same year, in another Russian Federation Email List labor action decision, which use corporate e-mail messages as judicial evidence , there was an understanding that it is possible to track employees’ corporate e-mails. Although e-mails, cell phones and corporate computers are subject to tracking, it is important that they do not constitute an invasion of privacy. This is because the Federal Constitution , in article 5, item X, determines that “the intimacy, private life, honor and image of people are inviolable.
Use of corporate equipment
It can lead to civil actions and criminal sanctions. Since there are no specific determinations in the legislation for worker tracking, it is up to the employer to create norms that organize the work of the staff. Capterra data show that, when it comes to informing employees about monitoring, Brazilian companies seem to be opting for transparency, as most respondents (91%) were notifi of the monitoring through their management or human resources department. This step, however, happen in different ways: 46% receiv company training on the subject and/or had to sign consent agreements; 23% were warn verbally; 22% receiv written communications. Only 8% of employees report that they were not inform about monitoring.