API management in B2B marketing

Departments in B2B marketing companies undergoing change, such as marketing, are required to bring digital solutions and services to market quickly, flexibly and cost-effectively. Turning to your own IT department to do this is unlikely to be successful.

This is because the IT department

Must ensure that the existing systems czech republic phone number data are secure, scalable and highly available. An API management platform shows its strengths in the area of ​​tension between marketing and IT.

  • B2B marketing needs current and consistent data at each touchpoint to optimally meet customer needs
  • Marketing data comes from various systems that can be efficiently linked via an API management platform
  • An API management platform simplifies data maintenance and opens up new services, such as individual customer solutions and self-services
  • An API management platform allows data adjustments to be made automatically and data to be delivered precisely to the target system
  • An API management platform not only relieves the burden on corporate IT, but is also indispensable as a sustainable investment in the digital future

B2B marketing without IT – that is unimaginable today. What B2B marketing needs is data from a wide variety of systems: from ERP solutions keyword research a great source and Sharepoint to CRM and CMS systems and PIM, MAM, DAM and video management tools. In order to meet the needs of digitally savvy consumers, the data stored in them must flow as smoothly as possible into the respective digital channels and touchpoints.

Many systems = many interfaces

In a classic point-to-point architecture, source systems and digital solutions are directly linked via interfaces (APIs). B2B marketing With ten systems, this betting email list results in 90 individual connections that must be implemented and managed mutually. With 20 systems, this is already 380 connections. This is time-consuming, inefficient and, above all, error-prone.

Data protection is a priority

The majority of systems in which departments in B2B companies store marketing-relevant data are designed for internal use. If external users access digital products and services. Things become critical: The information is subject to high data protection requirements. As is the case with sensitive customer data in the CRM system, for example. This is where an API management platform comes into play.

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