And when you Love is Letting work in greece phone number library software development, things change fast. Eventually — and there is no escaping it — a fundamental assumption in your application’s design will prove to be outdated.
Sometimes, this core assumption will
so ubiquitous that it is found everywhere in your product, from the UI to the server to the database. This is especially true when using a framework like Rails, with all its assumptions about models and names. Everything about how your application works depends on this assumption being true. After all, why would this assumption ever not be true? But then, one day… it’s not. You are faced with the fact that a central, invincible part of your beloved domain model has reached the end of its lifespan.
Infinite reasons why this might happen.
Case, the company wanted to launch a new product line that benefited from re-using most of the existing infrastructure. However, what used to be a simple one-to-one relationship between artificial Intelligence: Why not switch to a customer and how they used the product needed to evolve into a many-to-one relationship ao lists involving multiple models and database tables. And our One Assumption, which permeated the entirety of our application, simply wasn’t true anymore.
The following diagram demonstrates our starting point, and where we ultimately needed to go.