Construction materials and equipment

Construction materials implementation of SME sector investments in digital transformation. In the form of grant support will soon also be support by the Dig.IT project . An opportunity for the development of the enterprise also comes from support from the KPO, i.e. the National Reconstruction Plan. Then, co-financing for an investment project can be obtain as part of support. For green investments in both large enterprises and enterprises from the SME sector, i.e. under: Investments in the implementation of environmental technologies and innovations. Including those relate to circular economy  competition for SMEs.

Introduced numerous improvements

Investments in the implementation of environmental technologies and innovations, including those relate to circular economy (KPO A . – competition for large Photo Retouching enterprises Moreover, as part of the KPO, large enterprises can also count on the development of innovation and, consequently, on the development of the enterprise through investments in solutions in the field of Industry modern technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, Machine to Machine communication, Internet of Things and technologies cloud computing. We’re talking about action here: Investments supporting robotization and digitization in enterprises.

Integration of the store Construction materials

The offer of regional programs also supports investment projects of entrepreneurs. Investment subsidies mainly cover the development of the company’s activities through activities such as: Green investments to support energy efficiency, low-emission economy and Mobile List circular economy solutions. This funding can be obtain, for example, for renewable energy installations, heat storage, eco-innovations or thermal modernization of buildings. Investments in environmental protection also include activities relate to the transformation of the economy.

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