Lead Conversion Rate – these influencing factors you need to know

When generating your own inbound leads in online marketing. A you should always keep an eye on one very important metric: the conversion rate (CR) from anonymous visitors to leads.

Or simply put as a question:

How many of those who visit your landing page. A for example. A fill out the form and ultimately convert?

When it comes to lead generation. A converting factors you need to know usually means that someone gives you their contact details – and ideally cambodia phone number data their consent to communicate (usually by email) – and in return receives a valuable content offer from you.

One thing is clear: the higher the percentage of the lead conversion rate. A the better! Because logically. A that means more leads with the same number of visitors.

But how high is good or bad for this figure? 15%? 25%? 40%?
A very clear “It depends!”

In order to be able to estimate the conversion factors you need to know rate of unknown visitors to leads. A we should first look at the influencing factors:

  • Ad targeting. A audience and traffic source
  • relevance and attractiveness of the lead magnet
  • Conversion strength of the landing page or page
  • relationship level of the lead magnet
  • availability of comparable offers
  • Time availability of the lead magnet
  • reputation of your company or offer

All of these factors obviously have an impact understanding the anatomy of a successful email campaign factors you need to know on whether you find it easy to gain lots of good inbound leads with your lead magnet(s) – often also called “gated content”. This also means whether your conversion rate is at rock bottom or skyrocketing.

Factors influencing the lead conversion rate:

Ad targeting. A audience and traffic source

Especially when you work with ads online. A for example on Google or LinkedIn. A the quality of the targeting plays an extremely important role in the lead conversion rate. It is important that you have a clear idea of ​​who you want to reach (personas) and whether you can identify them on the platform (e.g. LinkedIn) when selecting target groups. On factors you need to know LinkedIn. A for example. A you could target IT managers well. A but not so well on Facebook. And here again the question is how precisely or vaguely you define this target group. Do you address everyone who works in IT or very specifically. A for example. A IT managers in the DACH region in companies with more than 200 employees.

Fuzzy targeting not only leads to the ad being shown to more irrelevant people. A but also to more people clicking on the ad who then do not convert because the offer is not interesting for them. This results in a poor lead conversion rate. A and this is not the fault of the content offered or of being bad – it is the targeting.

Simple display ads with online banners usually generate a lot of traffic. A but usually have a very poor conversion rate. Here you can reach a wider factors you need to know audience than. A for example. A with search ads on Google.

It also makes a big difference whether the traffic is cold. A i.e. the people you are targeting are coming into contact with your offer for the first time. A or whether they are already existing contacts that you would like to develop further and to whom you send an email with your CTA (call-to-action) to a landing page.

If you have unsatisfactory results. A these aspects are always the first starting points for optimizing the lead conversion rate.

relevance and attractiveness of the lead magnet

This is also a key point for your lead conversion rate. A but is often underestimated. The title alone makes a significant difference! We always say that the title has to “press a button in your head”. A i.e. it has to be immediately clear that I can find a factors you need to know solution to my problem here.

The more precisely a problem is addressed and a solution offered. A the more attractive it is for the lead. The greater the pain that is addressed. A the better. A clear “5-step master plan”. A for example. A is much clearer than “Helpful tips for …” or bosnia and herzegovina leads a very general formulation such as “E-book ERP systems”.

Of course. A the general topic of the lead magnet is also very important. A although this is logically very closely linked to its solution orientation. If you talk about a relevant topic. A you have a better chance of attracting attention. But that will only work if you refer to a specific problem and offer the prospect of a solution.


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