The Path from a Cloud to a Thunderstorm

When looking intensively at the smartphone or other screens, we sometimes forget that the weather is happening outside. If you are planning an activity in the mountains or wherever, it is of course important and right to do a
serious weather forecast
Likewise, it makes sense to consult a consultant in unstable circumstances.
View of the precipitation radar
to throw.

Particularly in the summer months, what is happening in the sky shows us quite reliably whether precipitation is to be expected from a cloud or not. This is at least the case as long as there is a clear view of the cumulus clouds. Below we distinguish four stages of development, which we illustrate with pictures from different days.

 The harbingers – towers or flakes in the sky

Tower-shaped or flake-shaped clouds sometimes appear in the sky several hours before cumulus clouds form. This often happens at dawn or sunrise.

These are altocumulus castellanus or altocumulus floccus clouds. Both types indicate an unstable stratification of the atmosphere in the middle cloud layer (approx. 3 to 6 km). In about 70% of the cases in which they occur, thunderstorms are also actually observed during the day.

(2) The Harmless – «Fair Weather Clouds»

In its early stages, every thundercloud is initially a small peru phone number library cumulus cloud, so the term “fair weather cloud” can be quite misleading.

However, as long as the cumulus cloud is wider than it is high (Cumulus humilis) or approximately as wide as it is high (Cumulus mediocris), it is effectively harmless.

(3) Things are slowly getting serious – «Cauliflower clouds»

If the cumulus cloud begins to shoot up


ou should observe it more closely. If it looks like a cauliflower artificial Intelligence: Why not switch to with sharply defined cloud edges, there is no immediate danger yet. But things can move quickly.

As soon as the cloud edges in the upper part of the cloud become blurred germany cell number and begin to fray, ice particles are present in the cloud (see image 1/3). Precipitation production begins. The cloud has now reached the stage of a cumulonimbus calvus, the precipitation radar shows the first echoes.

If the cloud continues to grow in height and reaches the tropopause at a height of about 12 to 14 km, it begins to expand sideways. The tropopause acts as a barrier layer that the thundercloud cannot penetrate or can only penetrate for a very short time.

Little by little, the so-called anvil forms and a Cumulonimbus capillatus incus is born (see images 2/3 and 3/3). These are beautiful to look at from a distance, but in their area of ​​influence, violent storms with heavy rain, hail and squalls can rage.

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