How I would scale a business

Here is the transcript:
Imagine everything you have built up is suddenly gone

You have to start from scratch again.

I asked myself this question and thought:

hmm, how would I set this up if they took away Schreibsuchti and all the other websites I have and I had to start from scratch again?

How would I proceed?

How would I set this up to reach €100,000 a year as quickly as possible?

In this video I show you how I would do it.

There are several ways to earn €100,000 a year.

I will now show you the path I would take to achieve it as quickly as possible .

There is also the other way, where you rely entirely on products.

But it is slow and takes longer.

But let’s assume I really want to earn good money again in a year, then I would proceed as described in this video:

(Reading tip: Earn money by writing! )

#1 An industry iraq email list where money flows!
First, I would choose an industry where money flows.

An industry in which money flows, that is very important.

These include taxes for example.

Yes, these are tax advisors, tax tools, software and so on.

But you also how can you make your call center a more inclusive place? have, for example, the marketing industry.

A lot of money flows there too.

Companies spend a lot of money on it.

Then there is agb directory the IT sector.

Yes, and you realize that these are all rather boring industries.

Nothing to do with fashion, design or anything like that.

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