If we stop and think about it, social media is a real phenomenon. It has changed the way we communicate and social relationships in general, as well as being a source of information that we have access to 24 hours a day.
All these features make this medium an excellent marketing resource for doing good business, there is no doubt about that. However, the question arises when setting a value to invest: how much is necessary to obtain results?
Today you will get the answer!
By reading this article you will find some parameters and understand what you should consider to find the ideal value to invest and obtain the results you are looking for.
How much is spent on social media in different countries?
The invasion of social networks in the daily malaysia telegram data life of the world’s population is growing more and more.
In Latin America, social media has a very marked presence , even greater than in some European regions, as shown by the report “Digital 2019: Global Internet use accelerates” prepared by We Are Social together with Hootsuite.
The strong presence of social media in people’s lives is leading to an increasing number of marketing investments in this medium . This is due not only to its popularity, but also to the results that can be obtained with small investments.
Speaking of numbers, according to a study carried out this year by Merca 2.0 , the United States is the country that invests the most money in this type of dissemination . It is estimated that in 2019 it invested 32.4 billion euros. A very high value considering how accessible the dissemination of advertisements on social networks is.
The United States is followed by China , which, despite having different social networks to ours, shows the same effect, investing 13.4 billion euros.
On the same list, Brazil is in fifth place, with an investment of 2.9 billion euros, and Spain is in tenth – and last – place on the list, with an investment of one billion euros.
The numbers are truly astonishing and this shows us the power of social media in terms of advertising. Thousands of businesses invest daily in advertising on this medium.
How much is recommended to invest?
In this post we will not be able to give answer security questions you an exact value of how much to invest in social networks, since in order to arrive at an adequate value for your business there are several factors that we will explain later.
What I can tell you is the minimum value with which you can start doing this type of diffusion.
With $30 a month for ads, you can start running a campaign on Facebook, for example. However, the results obtained will depend on your objective and other strategies associated with buying ads.
Let’s take an example. If you have a small company, new to the market, that you need to promote, an investment of $10 or more per week will give you the results you are looking for. As long as you segment your audience appropriately and provide them with useful and innovative content.
In these cases, the important thing is consistency . It is useless to invest $100 a month and then do nothing else. The best thing is to invest a small amount, even if it is $1 a day, but consistently.
Of course, if you already have a well-established company in the market and what you need is to increase sales by 25%, for example, an investment of this type will not bring you the results you expect.
This is why I told you that the value of the investment will depend on the objective you have and the results you are looking for.
How to do social media marketing when you have a limited budget?
One of the great advantages of social networks sms to data is that investment in them can be made according to any budget . An extremely useful factor for small businesses or new ventures.
If this is your case, I will give you 6 tips to make the most of your budget and achieve good results.
1. Define your goal
It is important to know what you want to achieve and focus on it. Creating a campaign without a specific objective may increase your audience, but rest assured that it will not be a quality audience.
2. Determine the audience you want to reach
Segmentation is extremely important in a campaign with a limited budget. This way you will directly target the person you want to reach and consequently your objective will be easier to achieve.
3. Select the social networks where your audience is
Just because Facebook is the social network with the largest number of users doesn’t mean you should buy ads on it. For example, if your business is B2B, you’ll find a more suitable audience on LinkedIn .
You must analyze where your target audience is and only then decide which social networks you will use to reach them.
4. Create different types of innovative content
We see ads on social media every day, but few of them really catch our attention. Create different types of content, images, videos, posts, etc. Don’t tire your audience out with more of the same, be creative and innovative with all your content.
5. Give them a good reason to do what you expect
Now that you have different and innovative content, think of a CTA that matches it. It has to be attractive and really invite them to take action, but first give them a good reason to do so.
6. Track the results
This stage, often overlooked, is extremely important to know what works with your audience.
Analyze the times that bring you the best results and the type of ads that have the best effect on your audience. There is no one-size-fits-all recipe, it all depends on the type of business you have, your audience, your goals, etc.
Knowing how much to invest in a social network is something that only you can decide based on the results you expect. Of course, you can optimize any value with the recommendations mentioned, even more so if you start with little, only then will you be able to see the fruits.
Social media is an excellent source of resources, not only through investments but also by providing you with income. Do you want to better understand what I’m saying? Then download this ebook right now that teaches you everything you need to know to monetize social media.