CRM ( Source ) main features Operational CRM can streamline customer relationship processes through features that highlight automation. Some examples of these features are: Calendar/reminder system sync contact management marketing automation email marketing Workflow Automation Automation features are useful not only for the time Mobile List they save, but also for giving different parts of the business more immediate access to customer information. For example, some CRM platforms allow you to automatically upload leads from different marketing channels. These leads can then be assign to your sales team, who can follow up with the information the lead needs for you to make a sale. In this case, operational CRM is beneficial as it moves customers through the sales pipeline faster than if you were using manual processes.
Some examples of these features are
Who should use it If the business relies on administrative processes to process customer data, such as an accounting or law firm , operational CRM can be helpful. Operational CRM would also be a good fit if your business relies on information passing through multiple channels, as in the sales example just discussed. Strategic CRM Strategic Kenya Email List CRM focuses on building strategies based on customer interaction. This type of CRM is especially useful for companies that prioritize long-term customer relationships. The name strategic CRM comes from the fact that the tool helps to create more effective business strategies through customer data and market trends (see image below). Understand what a strategic CRM is Freshworks Dashboard, which captures customer data in real time ( Source ) main features Strategic CRM prioritizes customer interactions through features.
CRM focuses on building strategies
Caendar/reminder system sync contact management Interaction tracking Lead generation and qualification pipeline management Segmentation These features provide insights that can help shape the way your team interacts with customers, with the ultimate goal of improving their experience. One such insight could be whether customers prefer to communicate with staff via email or social media. Who should use it If your business offers a service that must be recurring or ongoing, such as a fitness center, auto repair shop, or internet service, strategic CRM is an option to support long-term customer relationships. Analytical CRM Analytical CRM helps companies understand their customers’ data so they can make more informed decisions. It focuses on reporting analysis and details metrics such as average deal cycle, recurring revenue, top salespeople and/or sales outlets, and customer retention rates.