This means that if you already know about another program in this package, you will be familiar with
using this computer tool.
In this article, I will tell you what it is about and how you can get the most out of Excel tools, so let’s
not wait any longer. Keep reading!
4 Excel tools for your tasks
I will now tell you about the best russia telegram data Excel tools for data management:
1. Sort/sort and filter
This option will allow us to correctly deal with the online reputation crisis organize our data, allowing us to do so in different ways.
The sort and filter tool is found by clicking on the HOME tab, on the right hand side, we will find the
ourselves in any cell.
We click on sort and filter, which, if it is a numerical value, will allow us to sort from lowest to highest
and vice versa.
If it is a text value, it will ask us if we want to sort from A to Z or vice versa.
2. Custom orders
In the same sort and filter tab, we can also customize the order we want.
Which orders the entire table according to the values it contains and how we request it, text or numeric.
3. Filters
Once we click on Sort & Filter again, then on FILTER — previously selecting a value in the table. A
drop-down menu is placed by default in each column of the table.
These display all the options found there and we can select the data that we want to appear only.
To remove them, we must click on DELETE FILTER.
In the case of text fields, the filter works to sort different concepts that start with the same letter or
the same name.
In numeric, they show us different options, for example, between two values. For example, search
only for data that has a value between 50 and 100.
4. Create graphics
If you want to better understand your values before giving a speech or conference, the most logical
thing to do is to materialize them in a graphic.
In Excel, you can make these types of tools quickly and easily.
Keep in mind that graphics are one of the best tools for synthesizing information and identifying data
But be careful! First, you must have generated and organized the data well.
What is Excel and what is it used for?
It is a computer program developed by Microsoft. It is based on a spreadsheet, also known as an
“electronic spreadsheet”, which is a table organized in grids.
In Excel, you can make calculations, pivot tables, graphs, databases, among others. Its primary
objective is to perform difficult operations in a simpler way, through the use of functions
and formulas .
You can use Excel in different areas for different purposes. It is usually used in the workplace to perform different functions:
- tables;
- bars;
- databases;
- graphs of different types;
- invoices;
- points of sale.
Amazing, right? Yes, Excel is a very complete tool that is required in most work situations today, since
it is used by anyone interested in managing data.
Once you have created a database of your clients , Excel is very useful. By gathering and organizing
valuable documentation on each of them, you will be able to implement more profitable
measures and act intelligently in the management of your business.
For this reason, it is used to store and study data, thus developing an effective attraction
marketing strategy .
Who uses Excel tools?
Professionals today use it to digitally store their data, here are some brief examples:
Whether you are a law firm or an individual practicing law, you must manage a large amount of
information that must be updated on a daily basis.
Excel has the ability to create different sheets and tabs within a single file to better organize information.
In Excel, accountants design sms to data their accounting system.
This profession stands out for its remarkable numerical organization, which must be perfectly
expressed to avoid confusion and be easily understood.
The architect, like other professionals, also uses this tool in his work.
When implementing different formulas such as SUM, SUM IF, IF, VLOOKUP, COUNT,
AVERAGE , among others, is how you can systematically manage your data and organize it in the best way.
that they can enter the job market more effectively and quickly.