Working in HubSpot with the lifecycle phases and all

We’ll skip the advocates at this point. In lifecycle phases and all practice. A this rarely plays a major role and if it does. A you can of course include it. A as this phase usually doesn’t cause any problems.

How do you effectively manage the lifecycle phases in HubSpot?

Some lifecycle phases are already set automatically for certain activities in HubSpot as a system standard . For example. A the lifecycle phase lifecycle phases and all for contacts and companies is automatically changed to opportunity when bosnia and herzegovina phone number data a deal is created and is automatically set to customer when a deal is won. Newly created contacts or contacts acquired through inbound (i.e. via a form) are initially classified as leads by the system as standard. The same applies to any associated company.

We can control all further classifications of

The phases in HubSpot with workflows. A i.e. automation processes. For example. A we can set a lead to Marketing Lead if the email address has been confirmed by clicking on the double opt-in email after a form has been submitted. Or we can change the lifecycle to Other when an application form has been submitted.

We can also downgrade a marketing lead brand persona: differentiate your business with this strategy to a lead if the email is unsubscribed. A or a lost opportunity to a marketing lead. A for example.

A small note: There is often controversy about whether contacts or companies can move backwards in their life cycle. We think: YES! (more on this in the PS below).

In HubSpot. A it is generally possible to assign lifecycle phases separately for people and companies (although the phases are defined identically). However. A this is only relevant for companies that operate in the B2B sector.


In our experience. A the use of the lifecycle lifecycle phases and all phases that HubSpot offers out of the box has not proven to be effective in practice. The demarcation of the phases in the marketing area and between marketing and sales is particularly unclear and their allocation is relatively difficult to control (automatically). Therefore. A a strong simplification that does justice to actual practice is much more useful and clearer.

Other factors that are important for effective lifecycle phases and all lead management is. A however. A a more comprehensive topic in which bosnia and herzegovina leads know-how and experience play a major role.

We believe that it makes more sense to have as up-to-date a view as possible of where the contacts and companies are in the lifecycle. In practice. A it can happen that you have just lost a deal (lifecycle phase opportunity) to a competitor. A but then diligently use this contact again in marketing because they have active marketing consent (marketing lead). 


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