Social media measures have now become firmly established in Mistakes in B2B online marketing. B2B companies that do not yet have a presence on social media channels should do so as soon as possible.
They have long been part of our everyday lives: social media channels play a central role in the formation and anchoring of Mistakes in B2B brand images. This offers the opportunity to show customers, prospects and employees on a regular basis what your B2B company is all about. Despite its great popularity, there is often still a great deal of uncertainty among B2B marketers when it comes to the best possible use of the channels in a B2B environment.
We have summarized for you which mistakes you should no longer make in 2022:
Lack of strategy
Without a strategic foundation, B2B social media marketing can malaysia whatsapp number data be like flying blind. This should be avoided at all costs – with a detailed target group, channel and content strategy.
#2 Only do social media on the side . B2B social media marketing is far too relevant to be placed at the bottom of the priority list. If you don’t regularly post content with added value, your followers will see it less often. If you don’t have enough resources internally for this, then it’s worth getting support.
#3 Only ever post feed posts . Many channels now offer various content formats. In addition to the common feed posts, stories, reels and other buying leads – does it really make sense? Mistakes in B2B video formats have become established over the last few years. And they have many advantages over feed posts. Videos, for example, generate significantly more interactions than photo posts.
#4 Post designs that do not match your CI . You don’t have a common thread in your post designs? That should change quickly: With a CI-compliant design, you ensure essential recognition value and make it easier for your followers to quickly find your content in the jungle of posts.
Only consider LinkedIn and XING
The two channels are known as career and company networks and offer B2B companies many opportunities. However, if you don’t use Facebook, Instagram, etc., you’re missing out on important opportunities.
#6 Don’t consider social media ads . Are you well positioned organically but are skeptical about paid content? We would like to encourage you to betting email list invest in social ads as well. Compared to Google Ads, these ads are often significantly cheaper and also play an important role in brand awareness and lead generation in B2B online marketing.
#7 Not tracking key figures . The collection and review of relevant KPIs is just as important as social media marketing itself. Mistakes in B2B Only through conscientious tracking and thorough analysis can B2B companies continuously improve and adapt their measures.
#8 Only post technical content . In the end, your B2B followers are just people. And people don’t just want to know data and facts about you – even if these are relevant for purchasing decisions.
Always stick to the tried and tested
Social media thrives on trends and original ideas. If you don’t regularly question your social media activities and try out new content, you will eventually get lost in the jungle of posts, stories and reels.
#10 Don’t interact with your followers . Social media thrives on exchange. Only those who ensure good community management in addition to regular content will be able to successfully build closer customer proximity.