The phygital experience –a term used to describe experiences that mix the physical and virtual worlds– has gain more relevance as immersive technologies become popular. Not to be outdone, retail companies can invest in immersive stocks creat using augment reality software . This type of initiative allows a consumer to virtually “try on” a pair Mobile List of glasses on their face or visualize a product, such as a sofa, inside their home – both through augment reality . The process can be essential in reducing the return of goods (since the consumer will have the opportunity to try products purchas virtually), having a direct impact on the reverse logistics of companies. Retail is one of the top three industries people associate with the metaverse.
The prediction is that the metaverse
In a micro view, even the structure of companies can be influenc by the new virtual world. Meetings that take place in virtual environments may have more “real” interactions based on spatial audio and the possibility of taking notes on a digital screen. In this context, participants in the Capterra survey were ask which sector they most associate Argentina Email List with the concept of metaverse. Although the first categories are predictable, such as technology (81%) and games (71%), in third place the metaverse appear associat with retail (32%), which reinforces the data share above about the engagement of respondents to make purchases in this environment . The interest of respondents from Brazil and other countries in shopping through the metaverse One of the reasons for the excitement about the metaverse and retail can be justifi because technology may be able to promote online shopping where goods can reflect.
Other sectors associat by respondents
Online shopping can be enhanc with the metaverse, according to respondents One of the main challenges in managing an e-commerce is the presentation of products. Since customers cannot touch or try on the merchandise, they rely on the item’s description in addition to the visual elements to get a clearer idea of what the merchandise actually looks like. Capterra survey respondents who are interest in shopping in the metaverse were ask whether they believe this virtual world has the potential to bridge the gap between e-commerce and a brick-and-mortar shopping experience, as e-commerce does not offer a 3D product experience. For 56% of respondents it will be entirely possible, while 41% believe it will be possible in some way. Only 3% are pessimistic and believe that it will never be the same as the shopping experience in a physical store.