The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA. Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) final rule was publish in the Feral Register on May 20, 2024. This 2024 OSHA update revises the HCS to conform to the Unit Nations Globally Harmoniz. System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). Focus primarily on GHS Revision 7 , it addresses issues that arose during the implementation of the 2012 HCS update. This will provide greater alignment with other U.S. agencies and international trading partners. And will improve the effectiveness of the OSHA HCS.
CHEMTREC is here to give you a detail look at what this means. And how CHEMTREC believes it will impact the workplace.
Impact of the HCS Update
US influence
OSHA expects these revisions to the Hazard gambling data malaysia Communication Standard to result in modest improvements in worker health and safety by increasing the quality of information on labels and safety data sheets (SDSs) and by allowing workers and first responders to respond quickly in an emergency. The final OSHA HCS rule is estimat to result in net cost savings of $29.8 million per year at a seven percent discount rate. Key industries affect include oil and gas, chemical manufacturers, and wholesale trade. (Source: US DOL, OSHA, Feral Programs, Hazard Communication Standard; Final Rule ).
International Impact
Without rucing protections, the revis Hazard Communication Standard aligns more closely with U.S. trading partners, including Canada, Australia, New how to increase instagram sales in 2022 Zealand, and Europe. The decision to align with Canada was prioritiz because it helps facilitate cooperation between the two countries, makes compliance easier for employers participating in both markets, and strengthens worker protections by providing harmoniz hazard communication standards across trade borders.
Implementation Timeline for Updat OSHA SDS Requirements
The effective date for the revis Hazard Communication Standard is July 19, 2024.
Substance labels and safety data sheets must be updat to the new standard by January 19, 2026.
Mixture labels and SDS must be updat to the new standard by July 19, 2027.
During the transition period, this updat final rule may be compli with, i.e. HCS 2012 , or both.
CHEMTREC can help your organization comply with the HCS updates through our SDS Authorization service.
Major Changes to the Hazard Communication Standard
Incorporation by Reference : The general incorporation by whatsapp filter reference section, 29 CFR 1910.6 OSHA HCS, has been updat to include more recent national and international consensus standards. OSHA does not intend to require reclassification of chemicals already classifi using an earlier version of a consensus standard.
8 New Definitions : Bulk packaging, combustible dust, gas, liquid, solid, immiate outer package, physician or other licens healthcare professional (PLHCP), and releas for shipment were add as defin terms.