The CR is usually significantly higher through organic search and social media

Of course. A you have to start generating leads search and social media even without reputation and you can do that – you just have to understand that it affects the lead conversion rate.

How high should the lead conversion rate be?

As a simple rule of thumb for a download lead magnet that is well positioned in terms of the factors mentioned above. A based on our experience in the B2B sector. A you can expect at least a 10% lead conversion rate for cold. A paid traffic . This canada phone number data means that out of 100 visitors to the landing page. A you should be able to expect 10 leads or form submissions.

Unpaid measures –

So that in the same search and social media constellation conversion rates are often twice as high . A i.e. closer to 20%. The reasons for this difference are obvious: paid traffic – e.g. with social ads – is usually outbound in nature. A whereas organic use email campaigns to improve customer loyalty measures are pure inbound marketing. This means that a person was “attracted” because they searched for something and found you. A or followed your social media channel and therefore saw your post.

You can expect an even higher lead conversion search and social media rate for existing contacts. A i.e. warm traffic . With the same lead magnet as mentioned above. A a CR of over 50% would be entirely realistic and corresponds to what we experience in practice.


If you are intensively involved in generating new inbound leads. A you must definitely know the factors that influence the lead conversion bosnia and herzegovina leads rate search and social media mentioned here in order to be able to assess the significance of this metric. In addition. A you will not only be able to set up your lead magnets in the best possible way for lead generation right from the start. A but you will also know which adjustments you can make to optimize the conversion rate.


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