Sponsor promos and content on social media

In any case, in this delicate moment you cannot rely on improvisation. Rely on an editorial calendar that guides you in planning and distributing content.

You can think of gift guides , propose lists for Christmas gifts and so on: what matters is that they are engaging contents, that they put the audience in the right dimension and that they are then directly linked to the offers that you will publish. You can insert your guides ghana phone number library directly on the home page of your site, but also distribute them through channels such as social media and email marketing.

Here’s an example of perfect Black Friday content :

Content on social media

Here’s the real ace up your sleeve: Facebook Ads will be your best ally during Black Friday, because it allows you to give visibility to your offers and reach a wider range of potentially interested users.

Here too, it is essential to carefully plan the activities to highlight. For example, you can offer special discounts for those who have signed up for a premium account, or provide benefits and privileges for those who have been your customers for a long time, or even offer a free product for those who reach a certain amount of spending, as Kiko does in this example:

Extend your deals until Cyber ​​Monday

While Black Friday was the main day for retailers to offer their best deals, Cyber ​​Monday was born out of the growth of e-commerce. As a result, many brands that sell online extend their Black Friday deals all weekend long , leading up to Cyber ​​Monday.

This way you will be able to attract more customers, including undecided and latecomers, and thus increase sales.

But that’s not all: you can also decide to anticipate Black Friday by offering your customers a special deal, as Amazon did in this example:  collaborate with influencers

 Send a Black Friday newsletter

During Black Friday, consumers receive dozens, if not hundreds, of promotional emails: many of these go unnoticed or are trashed. To avoid this from happening, play it safe and send your Black Friday 2020 newsletter a week before the promotions begin. This way, you will get ahead of the competition and create engagement among users, creating a sense of anticipation and participation in the event.

Black Friday Campaigns: Examples to Inspire You

Black Friday is the time of year when brands launch their biggest marketing campaigns, and it’s when the most creative and well-executed ones come to life.

Here are some examples of Black Friday campaigns to inspire you.

Talk to your customers like Kohl

Social media is by definition a two-way communication switzerland leads medium: not only are you transmitting a message to your target audience. Sponsor promos but the audience is also interacting with the brand.

This very reflection is the basis of Kohl’s Black Friday campaign , which through its social account asked users questions, to prepare them for Black Friday and to offer prizes and discounts. In this way it increased audience engagement and increased conversions.

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