More time cutting hair and less time solving bureaucratic issues is what many beauty entrepreneurs want for their routine. With 90% of companies in the beauty segment reporting revenue losses due to the new coronavirus pandemic, many businesses had (or still have) to reinvent themselves to stay in business. This translates especially into Mobile List investments in the digitalization of business management . To meet this demand, there are several software for beauty salons develop in Brazil, whose focus is to automate business operations and make them more productive, with functionalities that vary from scheduling appointments to financial reporting, since many companies do not have professionals dedicat to these functions. In this article, Capterra has creat a recommend list of the most popular salon programs on the market.
Belasis is software for the beauty
Before accessing the full comparison, check out some of the software select in this video: Brazilian program options for beauty salons ( Source ) To participate in the selection, the software had to be Brazilian and have some common features for this category of system (check out the complete methodology for product San Marino Email List selection at the end of the article). 1. With app avec-app-salão-beleza-BR-Capterra-Image-1.png Avec App calendar image ( Source ) Avec is a solution for beauty salons, with resources that include an online agenda, inventory control to know when to buy new products, issue of invoices with digital certificate and automatic calculation of commission for professionals working in the business. In the financial aspect, the software also makes it possible to record all transactions to control cash inflows and outflows.
Digital certificate and automatic calculation
In addition, Avec also has integrat marketing functions that allow expanding the digital presence of beauty salons. This is done by integrating the establishment with service applications or social network accounts and sending marketing campaigns by email and SMS, creat in a customizable way with the objective of attracting the target audience of the business. 2. Belasis Belasis-BR-Capterra-Image-2.png Belasis integration with WhatsApp ( Source ) Belasis is software for the beauty and aesthetics segment that offers unlimit schedules, so that each professional at the establishment can keep their appointments organiz and updat in real time.