Avatar customization is even a relevant topic: 51% of those who used the metaverse said that avatar customization is very important, and they regularly spend money on new items for it. Since games can also host presentations ( such as the singer Ariana Grande concert ) and other social events, many real brands saw the opportunity to launch Mobile List clothing models for exclusive use by avatars in this digital universe. Others also took advantage of this online environment to launch clothing collections as part of their marketing strategies. Socializing in the metaverse is the main interest of those who haven’t accessed it yet, but want to access. Regarding this last point, one of the challenges for the expansion of the metaverse in Brazil, according to specialists, is precisely the high price of virtual reality devices . How can your company take advantage of the metaverse.
Socializing in the metaverse
Although the development of the metaverse constantly makes the news, access to it remains quite limited as seen earlier, 7 out of 10 respondents had not yet access this virtual universe, despite being interested in entering it. The reasons that Hong Kong Email List arouse interest in these people to access the metaverse are varied, as shown in the graph below. Respondents’ reasons for accessing the metaverse The main activity respondents are interest in doing in the metaverse is interacting with people (61%). However, it is worth remembering that the idea of socializing in a virtual space is not new. The Second Life game already proposed social interaction in a virtual environment since 2003.
The main disadvantages of the metaverse
Factors such as the need to pay to access new resources, lack of challenges and low quality connection were some factors that did not let the game succeed. Next, accessing games (53%), participating in conferences and events (51%) and purchasing physical products (51%) are also activities that respondents would like to do in the virtual environment. Still, what prevents these people from accessing the metaverse is that 39% say they don’t know how to access it. This suggests that companies that choose to create experiences in this virtual world should invest in educational actions and guidelines so that a more widespread adoption can happen. The main disadvantages of the metaverse reported by those interested in accessing it were addiction to the virtual world (45%) and the fact that the equipment is expensive (43%).