When talking about digital marketing , it is essential to know how to plan and then implement communication strategies on different digital channels, integrating offline forms of communication with online platforms and tools.
In fact, most interactions with brands and their products occur via smartphones, PCs, tablets and connected TVs, while only a small part occurs via print media and radio. Knowing how to design successful marketing campaigns and communicate digitally therefore represents a significant competitive advantage that is impossible to give up.
Here are the seven steps of a possible digital marketing strategy ghana phone number library to implement to grow your business.
Set a goal
Starting with a clear and solid goal is the first step to setting up a targeted digital marketing strategy . Whether it is getting more customers, increasing brand awareness or your online visibility, having a clear goal to achieve is the first step to take, to then study the target users and create an effective plan to achieve it.
More Details : clearly identify search queries and their search intent
Build the marketing funnel
The marketing funnel is the process that occurs from a potential customer visiting the site to the sale. It represents the consumer’s journey, from knowing the brand, product or service to the purchase.
It is usually represented with a funnel, which helps to visually understand the natural restriction from initial visitors to final buyers, and therefore the fact that only a portion of the initial visitors will actually become customers by reaching the goal, i.e. the moment of purchase.
The marketing funnel has four key moments:
- Awareness , or awareness of the existence of the brand or product: the potential customer has arrived on your site looking for something he needs, but he is still a stranger and it is necessary to attract his attention
- Interest , or the moment of active interest in certain products: in this phase your aim is to provide further information
- Desire , or the phase in which the visitor wants to get hold of a specific product or use a service and therefore you must provide them with more details, such as features, benefits and advantages
- Action , or the actual act of purchasing, in which you must be able to transform your visitor into a customer. You have already demonstrated that you are able to respond to their needs, now all that remains is to inform them about prices, payment methods and other aspects related to the purchase. In this phase your goal is no longer to obtain contacts, but to generate word of mouth among consumers.
Define a call to action
To maximize the response of online users. The 3 steps of a you must include in your digital marketing plan the creation and optimization of one (or more) targeted call to action . The CTA pushes the user to perform a certain action, in a direct and effective way: from subscribing to a newsletter to viewing a webinar, from downloading an e-book to purchasing a product or service.
An effective call to action is designed to belgium numbers attract the user’s attention, engage them and then make them perform a specific action, in order to activate the conversion process. An effective call to action has a reassuring effect , encourages action and is functional in channeling the user into the conversion funnel.