Tips to communicate it on your website and social media

Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are among the georgia phone number library most important days for online shopping: if you have an e-commerce or sell your products or services online, these two days are essential to increase sales.

But how can you communicate Black Friday 2020 deals on social media most effectively and increase traffic and sales? Here are some ideas and tips for the most important shopping day of the year.

What is Black Friday

Black Friday is a typical American holiday: it is the day after Thanksgiving and marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. During Black Friday, retailers offer significant discounts to encourage customers to buy, both in physical stores and online. Over the years, what began as a one-day event has evolved into a four-day shopping period, starting with Black Friday and ending with Cyber ​​Monday, dedicated primarily to online sales.

This is therefore a unique opportunity for brands. Tips to communicate according to the B2C Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic, online purchases made by Italian consumers in 2019 during Black Friday 2019 recorded a peak of 1.3 billion euros. More Details : high-quality business cards

Furthermore, a GFK report shows that 1 in 2 Italians have expressed purchase intentions for Black Friday 2020. According to this research, in 2019, 65% of Italian consumers took advantage of Black Friday offers to buy at least one Christmas gift.
An opportunity to be seized on the fly and therefore one must not be caught unprepared.

Black Friday 2020 Strategies

How to organize a strategy for Black Friday ? Consider that this moment has become essential for the public, who wants to seize the best opportunities to start the switzerland leads Christmas shopping rush: it is an aspect that you cannot ignore and you absolutely must be prepared for this moment. Here are 7  tips for communicating Black Friday on the site and social media .

1. Create dedicated landing pages

Get ahead of the game and create a page specifically dedicated to Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday deals . Design the landing page so that your visitors immediately understand the benefits and advantages of a certain product and why they should buy it from you. Be transparent and immediately highlight the benefits of your product or service, talking about how you can meet the customer’s needs.

Finally, insert a visible call to action that pushes the user to complete the purchase.

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