What do people still talk about

The contrast between the small KiKa and the giant Microsoft is great. KiKa has far fewer people and budget, but does have the sympathy of everyone. As a result, KiKa can achieve a lot, while Microsoft struggles with changes and really working customer-oriented. This is especially apparent between the lines, when Microsoft talks about SMEs as “companies with a maximum of 500 PCs”. Thinking in terms of numbers of their own  switzerland telegram data product still unconsciously prevails and initiating changes at a giant proves difficult.

The story of enthusiasm is not a trick

The day is concluded by trainer and illusionist Bart van den Belt . He shows the audience that success starts with your story. To tell a good story, you have to create a connection and emotion and a clear message that people have to tell from your story. This may sound logical, but with Bart van den Belt, many one-liners are accompanied by magic tricks and quick twists with which he repeatedly puts you on .

Rijn Vogelaar concludes the day

A and says that leadership is also about the power of stories. A  when you are  What do people  a large  school email list  company? And what story is already being told about you by your enthusiastic customers? Enthusiasm starts with the stories that others tell about you. That is the range of such functions is very wide  a story that too many organizations do not know. For that reason alone, this Superpromoter Event was once again well worth it.


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