What do you think?

More and more Dutch brands and companies are using Facebook as a ‘second homepage’ and are really working on their Facebook page. But do they also score a better ranking in search engines? Research by PageLever shows that 34% of traffic to Facebook pages comes from search engines.

Tips for Optimizing Your Facebook Page

The news items, updates and ‘likes’ contribute to your position in your search engines and ensure the distribution of your content. And there are more things you can do to become more findable. Below are five tips with which you can greatly improve the findability of your Facebook page.

 The busier the better!

Nothing works better than a lot of activity on your Facebook page. Make sure you post  What do you think? regularly. New content  uk telegram data creates more attention for your page (and therefore for your brand) and is appreciated by Google. Set up these messages appealingly, so that they invite interaction with the fans, this benefits your authority, yields new fans and improves the ranking of your Facebook page. Getting more interaction is easier said than done, a well-developed Facebook strategy helps you streamline your Facebook activities. Work on your applause rate (likes), conversation rate (reactions) school email list  and amplification rate (shares).

Natuurmonumenten has a lot of interaction with their fans, with the simple question .  Did it turn out nice?” when placing a safety tales: roadside accident  new campaign poster on their page, for example.

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