What is Google Plus? How does it work?

Google LLC is the company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998 based in Mountain View! mother of the homonymous search engine Google . The purpose of Google! as a search engine! is to catalog the information found on the net and return it to the user based on a specific query typed by him.

Over the years! Google LLC has expanded What is Google the services and products it offers! including YouTube! Gmail! Google Maps! and even the now defunct Google Plus .

What is Google Plus?

UPDATE: Email from “+ Team” dated country wise email marketing list February 3! 2019 and related closure

On February 2-3! 2019! the Google team decided to send an email to all holders of a Google Plus Personal consumer account! announcing that the consumer version of Google+ will be shutting down in April 2019 due to low usage and the difficulty of managing the platform.

It may seem trivial but  not everyone knows what Google Plus is  and how it works.
Google Plus is defined as the  social network made in Mountain View  that! after a   somewhat muted  debut ! now in June 2011 ! is slowly gathering more and more members! despite suffering! as the numbers show! the notoriety of Facebook! the king of social networks.

However! I do not fully agree with the simplistic definition of Social Network because  Google Plus  is not limited to being just this since it has characteristics that are intrinsic to the search engine to which it is linked. In fact! the benefits towards more sustainable information technologies? that a post on this Social can bring in terms of SEO
are well known  !  and this is probably the very reason that pushes companies and industry experts to open and publish content within the Social of the most famous search engine in the world. The  benefits  are linked in particular to the  “private results”  or the results present in the  SERP  of the people who are within our circles. 

How does What is Google Plus work?

After explaining what  plus is ! let’s try to understand how it works and how to sign up .
If you don’t already have a Google account! you cell phone number can sign up by connecting to this link  and clicking “create an account”. After entering your personal data! such as name! surname! date of birth! etc.! your account will be active.
To access the service! simply connect to the previous link or visit the  page and log in from the “Log in” button located at the top right or from the mosaic-shaped square.

Through  Plus you can create your own personal profile that contains various information. Friendship circles
are  pre-existing groups divided into What is Google Family! Friends! Acquaintances and People I follow! which can be implemented with other personalized circles .

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