A non-binding decision with heavy political weight

The Knesset “firmly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River ,” meaning in the Gaza Strip and the occupi West Bank. The resolution was support by parties in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, as well as right-wing opposition parties and Benny Gantz’s centrist party. It garner the support of 68 lawmakers from the ruling coalition and the opposition, with only nine MKs voting against.

This vote follows on from that of last February, when the Knesset vot by a large majority of 99 elect members (out of 120) against the “unilateral” recognition of a Palestinian state.

While the ICJ’s opinion is not legally binding


it will still carry significant political weight. This will add to the growing legal pressure on the Israeli state over the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip and the occupi Palestinian territory.

In addition to the fact that Israel is “under an obligation to put an end to these unlawful acts” , the International Court of Justice orders “to make full reparation for the damage caus by its acts (…) to all natural or legal persons concern”. A reparation spain phone number library which includes “restitution, compensation or satisfaction”. 

Furthermore, this decision also calls on States and the Unit Nations to sanction these illegal practices. They are requir to “not recognize as lawful the situation resulting from the illicit presence of Israel in the Occupi Palestinian Territory” and not to “lend assistance to the maintenance of the situation creat by this presence” and this, in accordance with the Charter of the Unit Nations and international law.

The President of the Cour  conclud


by stressing the major importance for the Security Council and proven inbound marketing methods the General Assembly of the Unit Nations to “consider what additional measures are requir to put an end to the illicit presence of Israel” . An approach proven inbound marketing methods that would contribute to stability in the region and to the security of all States in the Middle and Near East.

In the short term, this advisory opinion will not bring about real atb directory changes in the current situation in the Occupi Palestinian Territory due to the lack of cooperation from States and the implementation of real sanctions. However, this opinion is historic since it incriminates, according to international law, the consequences of the practices and policies carri out by Israel in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.

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