Seem like it should be easy cute diagrams enough. But ghana phone number library consider that a single database table has become multiple database tables, and that this domain concept is used across multiple services. Also consider some of the fields have been renamed or moved, such that the code had to change in more complex ways than simply asking the IDE to Refactor→Rename:
We knew it would be impossible
to do this in one deployment. There was too much code to change, too many services affected and too much risk involved. We also knew that we needed this to be a zero downtime operation; the code we were touching was so critical that we would have lost new user installs, affected day-to-day operations and been in very deep trouble if anything at all went wrong during deployment. No one needs that kind of stress in their life.
We designed our game plan
so that this work could be done over any number of deployments, over any duration. We needed to be able cybersecurity: ncsc becomes a federal office on 1 january 2024 to stop the work halfway through — if something more pressing came up, for example — while also ensuring that we didn’t introduce any “gaps” in data ao lists which would require us to go back and apply manual fixes. The first deployment was critical to get the ball rolling, but the rest of the work could be done in any order, at any time and with little risk.