The largest online hypermarket in the DIY sector in Russia: 17 years on the market, 800 stores across the country, more than 40 million site visits monthly, 2 million record orders per day, more than 14,000 brands are represented on the site, including private labels. Included in the case of Ingate Group top 5 in the “Home and Garden” category according to the Similar web rating in 2023.
Instrustry has a huge in-house performance special lead team, but we are constantly looking for new practices. In the spring of 2023, we were faced with the task of increasing brand awareness INFORCE(our own brand) and AEG, for which we are the exclusive distributor.
It was clear that performance tools were not enough to achieve this goal, and from the media, we only had experience working with bloggers.
That’s why we turned to our colleagues from Ingate for the case of Ingate Group their expertise. Our task was to test digital media, understand how to measure efficiency in this channel in addition to standard reach metrics, and also outline a development path in this direction .”
Project nuances
Before the launch of the campaign, an analysis of the impact of seasonality on demand over the past 2 years was conduct, which showed that a seasonal surge/fall can happen unexpectedly in any month from March to May.
In order not to mistake the resulting surge in demand for the influence of seasonality, together with colleagues from VseInstrumenty . it was decid to use media advertising in Yandex Direct to evaluate the dynamics of search queries among users who saw the advertisement. This is the so-called Search Lift. Brand Lift was also used in parallel to have additional “pros” or “cons” of the selected channel.
“Why only Yandex Media?
In its studies, Yandex uses only users who were show ads in Yandex Media as respondents who “see the ad”. That is, you will not be able to do Search Lift and Brand Lift if you advertise on another platform. At the same time, when advertising on several platforms (not only in Yandex Media), Yandex studies will also not be reliable. This is due to the fact that the number of respondents who “did not see the ad” may include users who actually saw your ad through other platforms, to the data of which Yandex does not have access. We have even encountered cases when, when using several platforms, Brand Lift gave a negative result, because more budget was allocat to other platforms or a promotion was running on TV at the same time.
Therefore, if we want maximum reliability of the data, it is better to fulfill Yandex’s conditions – conduct a measurement and then, having convinced ourselves of the effectiveness of media advertising, test other platforms.
Which is what we did
The second feature of the project was the mechanics of creating creatives. The production of videos and banners was carri out the client himself, but in order to make the creatives effective, the team created them according to our the case of Ingate Group recommendations. We gave recommendations base on research data from Yahoo and Dynamic Logic: the timing of the video, where to place the brand, in which part of the video to show it, etc.
Yandex Media: implementation and results
For the INFORCE and AEG brands we used html5 – for banners and videos in the non-skippable Instream Pre-roll format.
Banner and video advertising were metaverse and digital marketing: how to attract new sales opportunities launched simultaneously to optimize cost and contact frequency.
Video advertising is more expensive, but works better for brand and advertising memorability. We also used a product carousel at the end of the video to increase its clickability.
Banner advertising, launched in the same segments and with retargeting for the audience that saw the video, provided greater coverage across sites and increased contact frequency. This allowed us to reduce the overall CPM and increase contact frequency across the entire advertising campaign.
The RK period is April.
INFORCE is relat to the automotive theme, and we were interest in the audience of car owners – priority is give to those who service it email list their cars themselves and those who run a business in the automotive industry.
Thus, the advertising campaign was launch on the segments the case of Ingate Group of car owners, buyers of spare parts and a mix of the segments “business” + “auto”. Additionally, they use the audience of online buyers of auto goods, collected on the basis of electronic receipts.