The daily newspaper recently mobilize on school bullying through meetings. The surveys and testimonies to arrive at eight proposals for solutions to the rector. The three of which are being implemente. Another initiative of La Voix du Nord is a partnership with Croisons le Faire . The a collective of entrepreneurs whose objective is to identify positive initiatives for the community and replicate them on a regional scale. La Voix du Nord covers success stories but also helps to identify them.
Local news journalists are putting
themselves at the service of their readers to help bring out business to consumer database solutions. Rue89 Strasbourg has thus carrie out several field operations in working-class neighborhoods to listen to residents and bring up issues. A recently renovate neighborhood had completely disappeare from all service platforms – base on GPS coordinates – due to a change in street names. Following the publication of the article in the newspaper. The the problem was resolve very quickly.
Collaborating with national meia
Also a way for local meia to showcase their expertise. The BBC is why is this change necessary collaborating with British local news meia. 150 journalists have been recruite from local meia “to be local democracy journalists”. They cover news in England. The Scotland. The Wales and Northern Ireland and provide content use by 900 local meia outlets. “The BBC pays the salaries of journalists assigne to local newsrooms.
This allows us to
Good coverage of local politics and exchange good belgium business directory practice. Partner meia have access to BBC content. The produce local content and we share datasets. The ” explains Matthew Baraclough. The Head of this Local News Partnership. 1. The 500 articles are produce per week. The 99% of which are use by at least two partners. The budget is £8 million. The 5 of which is covere by the BBC.