Lots of rain in the foothills of the Alps

The impression that this year’s May has been very wet so far is not misleading. In many regions of German-speaking Switzerland, significantly more rain has fallen than average. The excess precipitation is particularly noticeable in central and eastern Switzerland and in the eastern half of Graubünden.

Comparison of precipitation amounts from May 1 to 17 compared to the long-term average for the same period. Source: MeteoSwiss
Comparison of precipitation amounts from May 1 to 17 compared to the long-term average for the same period. Source: MeteoSwiss
The rainy weather of the last few days has now come to a wet conclusion. In the foothills of the Alps in German-speaking Switzerland, 30 to 60 mm of precipitation fell in many places from Tuesday morning to Wednesday morning.

Precipitation totals over 24 hours from 9 a.m. on May 16th to 9 a.m. on May 17th. With the soil already wet, some of the rain went directly into the drain. Source: MeteoSwiss
Precipitation totals over 24 hours from 9 a.m. on May 16th to 9 a.m. on May 17th. With the soil already wet, some of the rain went directly into the drain. Source: MeteoSwiss
Such 24-hour totals are impressive; statistically speaking, they occur in these regions about once a year. However, in very isolated cases the rainfall totals were significantly higher: on the Schwägalp (AR) there was 119 mm of precipitation – a rainfall amount that is statistically only reached there every 10 to 20 years.

With so much rain it is not surprising

hat the streams and rivers in these regions carried a lot of water.

In the video, masses of water thunder down from the Rinquelle near the Churfirsten. It is one of the largest karst springs in Europe and is currently offering an impressive spectacle. In contrast to most other springs, karst springs react portugal phone number library very quickly to heavy rainfall. Source: D. Gerstgrasser.

What fell as rain below fell as snow at higher altitudes. Above around 2000 metres, considerable amounts of new snow fell on Tuesday. The wet and cool May weather meant that after a largely snow-poor winter, many mountain regions now have approximately average amounts of snow at higher altitudes.

The high Alps are still covered in deep snow. View from the Jungfrau East Ridge to
The high Alps are still covered in deep snow. View from the Jungfrau East Ridge to
A little brighter and warmer on Ascension Day

Some of us will have such a view during


the extended Ascension weekend. Source: Meteomeldungen/App
Some of us will have such a view during the extended Ascension weekend. Source: Meteomeldungen/App
In the lowlands, the weather is expected to be cybersecurity: ncsc becomes a federal office on 1 january 2024 mostly dry and at least partly sunny over Ascension Day, while in the mountains, showers and thunderstorms are to be expected, especially in the germany cell number afternoon and evening. However, caution is advised when planning and when consulting forecasts. We are in a weather situation that experience has shown to offer surprises. When doing long outdoor activities, it is therefore worth taking a careful look at the sky or the precipitation radar every now and then. Even if there is still uncertainty about the location and time of the showers, one thing is clear: when it rains, it rains warmer: afternoon temperatures gradually rise to over 20 degrees.

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