There is no one right way of doing content marketing. Depending on their goals, resources, target audience, and so on, different companies do content marketing differently. In this post, we’ll share seven inspiring B2B content marketing examples, why they’ve done well, and how you can replicate their success. How to replicate its success Tools are content too. Consider creating a free tool if you have the ability or resources. This is especially applicable if you’re a software company. However, don’t just create any free tool. Create those your potential customers are searching for. Successful B2B Here’s how to find them. You can: Go to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer.
Enter one or a few
Broad keywords related to your industry (e.g., if you have a real estate website, these might be mortgage, rent, and down payment). Go to the Matching terms report. In the company data Include filter, add words like calculator, tool, tools, and, checker. Choose Any word and click Apply. Look through the list to see if there are any relevant tools you can create. Make sure you review the top-ranking results to see if you can “beat” them. Ask yourself: What’s good about them? How could they be improved? When you’ve created your free tool, know that you’ll likely have to acquire links to rank. There are many ways to do this, but the best starting point for tools is to use the Skyscraper Technique.
Successful B2B post or
Watch the video below to learn more: Doing this consistently allows us to rank high for keywords that are relevant to our customers and pitch our product as the best Mobile List solution to those problems. This no-frills SEO content strategy has helped grow our annual recurring revenue (ARR) consistently over the years. Quantity and quality of backlinks – Links are a Google ranking factor. So the more high-quality backlinks the current top-ranking pages have, the harder it’ll be to compete. Check the Domains column to see how many websites are linking to each top-ranking page. To understand link quality, click on the number in the Backlinks column and review each page’s backlink profile.