What are the benefits of Business Intelligence?

You really know what Business Intelligence the benefits  is when you discover its benefits.

Business Intelligence helps companies make decisions bas. on concrete information, which comes from the analysis of data they themselves generat..

In this way, BI helps organize and structure a company’s strategic planning, preventing managers from relying solely on guesswork or intuition.

As a result, Business Intelligence offers companies that use it a significant competitive advantage over their competitors.

Have a broader and more concrete vision of the company.


Adding value to the business and the solutions offer. to customers

What examples of Business Intelligence can be cit.?
As an example of Business Intelligence, it is possible to mention its application to identify the cause of a company’s cancellation rate, or churn rate, among other metrics .

Another example is data analysis to identify changes in consumer behavior that may lead to losses, giving the company the opportunity to modify its actions and strategies and thus improve its relationship with the customer.

A world-renown. example overseas data of Business Intelligence was that of the German football team at the 2014 World Cup.

The coaching staff us. BI to gather information about the players’ performance and then us. it to make their decisions. This approach l. the team to victory that year.

What are Business Intelligence tools? the benefits


Business Intelligence tools are software that collect and process large amounts of unstructur. data from various sources.

These sources can the following formula is us. for calculation be systems us. by the company, such as a sales CRM , emails, files, customer database , etc.

Business Intelligence tools help transform this data into information, which can be convert. into reports, dashboards, graphs, and other versions that facilitate analysis.

Once the concept is clearer and you have greater precision about what Business Intelligence is, it is interesting as a next step to know the tools that can be us. in this process.

Among the various solutions available on the market for BI, there is, for example, Google Data Studio.

This Google Business america email Intelligence tool is free and helps to visualize a company’s data through tables and graphs that can be configur. according to the user’s ne.s.



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